Author’s Insights

Explore the author’s personal journey, insights, and experiences in the blog section, offering a deeper connection with Ronald D. Steele.

Positive Change: Navigating the Pathways to a Better You

Positive Change: Navigating the Pathways to a Better You

We all have moments in our lives when we feel stuck, unfulfilled, or wanting more. It's natural to look inward during these times and ponder how we can cultivate positive change within ourselves. While change can seem daunting, breaking it down into achievable goals...

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Shaping the Mind: Must-Read Positive Mindset Books

Shaping the Mind: Must-Read Positive Mindset Books

Changing your mindset is one of the most transformational things you can do for your life. The books we read profoundly impact how we see ourselves and the world. If you're looking to overhaul your mental habits and perspective, adding some positive mindset books to...

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Breaking Free: How to Stop Feeling Bad About Yourself

Breaking Free: How to Stop Feeling Bad About Yourself

We've all been there - that place where we dwell on our flaws, mistakes, and shortcomings and feel bad about ourselves. While it's natural to feel down at times, living in a constant state of negative self-criticism can be emotionally draining and prevent us from...

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How to Break the Cycle of Abuse in Unstable Families

How to Break the Cycle of Abuse in Unstable Families

Family ties are strengthened with love and understanding, but the burden of poverty, abuse, and neglect, especially during childhood, can weaken these connections. For those who find themselves trapped in the suffocating grip of a cycle of abuse, the journey toward...

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10 Positive Mindset Quotes for Struggling Students

10 Positive Mindset Quotes for Struggling Students

In the journey of academia, students often find themselves navigating a maze of challenges, from academic pressure to personal struggles. However, maintaining a positive mindset can be the key to overcoming these obstacles and unlocking a path to success. In this...

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What Is Self-Empowerment in the Workplace

What Is Self-Empowerment in the Workplace

In the fast-paced world of the modern workplace, self-empowerment has become more than just a buzzword; it's a guiding principle for personal and professional growth. But what is self-empowerment, and why does it hold such significance within the office? In this blog,...

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7 Hacks on How to Auto-Suggest for Success

7 Hacks on How to Auto-Suggest for Success

Embarking on the journey to success requires more than external strategies; it demands a mental paradigm shift. Auto-suggestion for success involves; rewiring your thought patterns, fostering positive habits, and cultivating a mindset that propels you towards your...

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Why Is It Important to Set Realistic Goals for Students

Why Is It Important to Set Realistic Goals for Students

In school and learning, understanding why it is important to set realistic goals can significantly shape a student's journey. This blog is about why it's super important for students to set goals they can reach. Let's dig into why having doable goals makes learning...

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3 Great Positive Thinking Techniques for a Happier Life

3 Great Positive Thinking Techniques for a Happier Life

Maintaining a positive outlook can make a difference in our fast-paced and often stressful world in our overall happiness and well-being. Positive thinking isn't about ignoring life's challenges or putting on a forced smile. It's about adopting a mindset that allows...

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Best Self-Help Books for Young Adults You Must Read

Best Self-Help Books for Young Adults You Must Read

Young adulthood is often a tumultuous and transformative time in our lives. It’s a phase marked by self-discovery, personal growth, and the pursuit of purpose. While it can be exhilarating, it’s also fraught with challenges, self-doubt, and the constant quest for...

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