Positive Change: Navigating the Pathways to a Better You

Positive Change: Navigating the Pathways to a Better You

We all have moments in our lives when we feel stuck, unfulfilled, or wanting more. It’s natural to look inward during these times and ponder how we can cultivate positive change within ourselves. While change can seem daunting, breaking it down into achievable goals makes the process more manageable and motivating. In this blog, we’ll discuss the transformative power of goals and how setting them can help guide your journey toward a better you.

How to Cultivate Positive Change in Your Life

Where To Begin? Start With Small Wins

When contemplating change, it’s easy to get caught up in lofty dreams that seem unattainable. This can leave you feeling overwhelmed before you even start. To avoid this, focus on more modest goals that feel realistic and within your grasp. Having smaller successes along the way will motivate you to keep going.

For example, rather than vowing to lose 50 pounds in two months, commit to walking for 30 minutes three times a week. Or, instead of aiming for a huge pay raise, look for a more moderate bump in pay or additional skills training to boost your resume. Tiny increments of progress lead to bigger transformations over time. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, to stay encouraged.

Create a Vision and Define Your Goals

Have a clear vision of the “new you” that lies at the end of your personal change journey. Envision how you’ll feel and what you’ll be able to do once you reach your destination. Writing your vision down in detail makes it more concrete and compelling.

With a sharp vision in mind, write specific, measurable goals that will move you closer to realizing that vision every day. Goals like “Get healthier” are too vague – instead, state “Lose 10 pounds by June” or “Run a 5K race by August.” Quantify your goals and break larger goals into smaller monthly or weekly targets.

Positive change

Achievable goals make the process more manageable and motivating

Take Action With a Plan

Having goals written on paper is just the beginning – now it’s time to get active. Develop a detailed action plan laying out the steps you’ll take daily, weekly, and monthly to achieve each goal. For example, to reach that 10-pound weight loss target, commit to cutting out soda and sweets while adding 30 minutes of walking five days a week.

Map out your plan from the present until your target end date. This includes getting enough sleep, meal prepping for the week ahead, or scheduling gym sessions in your calendar. Taking real steps daily and being accountable keeps you consistent. Don’t be afraid to make adjustments to your plan along the way based on what’s working.

Track Progress and Progress Tracking

Keeping tabs on your results will highlight improvement and give you a confidence boost to keep going. Whether tracking pounds lost, miles walked each week, or dollars saved each month – use a journal, fitness tracker, budgeting app, or spreadsheet to monitor your metrics. This also holds you accountable.

Periodically review your progress charts and adjust goals or plans as needed based on what you’re learning about yourself through tracking. Celebrate milestones big or small to stay fired up. Measuring progress makes the benefits of your hard work tangible and the journey more enjoyable over time.

Make Change a Habit Through Consistency

Achieving real, sustainable change requires consistency over weeks, months, and years rather than sporadic bursts of effort. While certain goals may have clear ending points, aiming for positive change should become a lifelong habit.

Build consistency through small, daily wins like cooking healthy meals, going to bed on time, or reading educational articles. Committing to these simple habits compounded over weeks and months makes massive differences to your overall well-being. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up – get right back on track the very next day.

Embrace Setbacks as Learning Curves

Change means growth, and growth sometimes requires falling, falling down, and picking yourself back up. Expect setbacks as an inevitable part of any personal change process. Rather than seeing them as failures, reframe difficulties as learning curves that will ultimately help you succeed.

Analyze what caused setbacks like binging on junk food or missing the gym a few weeks in a row. Look for patterns and weaknesses to strengthen. Adjust your nutrition or exercise plan based on lessons learned, then start fresh. Acknowledging mistakes humbly without harsh self-criticism is key – empower yourself to keep moving forward.

Positive thinking books

Ronald Steele’s memoir details his personal journey of overcoming adversity

Order Your Copy of “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied” by Ronald Steele

Ready to start cultivating positive changes? Ronald Steele’s memoir “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied” details the author’s personal journey of overcoming adversity. Order a copy today and stay inspired as you visualize, plan, and take action toward your best self through achievable goals. Wishing you determination and success on your pathway to positive change!

Shaping the Mind: Must-Read Positive Mindset Books

Shaping the Mind: Must-Read Positive Mindset Books

Changing your mindset is one of the most transformational things you can do for your life. The books we read profoundly impact how we see ourselves and the world. If you’re looking to overhaul your mental habits and perspective, adding some positive mindset books to your reading list is a great place to start.

8 Must-Read Positive Mindset Books

Here are 8 books that can help guide you on the journey towards a growth mindset, inner strength, and living an inspired life:

1.     “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale

This classic book has sold over 5 million copies worldwide for good reason. Dr. Peale teaches the invaluable practice of intentionally focusing your thoughts on the positive. When we dwell on negative ideas, we give power to what we don’t want. Shifting to an optimistic mindset allows you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

2.     “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied” by Ronald D. Steele

Ronald Steele‘s raw, emotional memoir “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied,” tells the story of rising above extreme hardship and adversity through determination and resilience. Growing up with little parental love or stability, he was on a destructive path in his teenage years that led to a 15-year prison sentence. Against all odds, he turned his life around through education and focusing on personal growth. His tale of redemption is truly inspirational for anyone wanting to overcome past trauma and create positive change.

Positive thinking books

Ronald Steele’s memoir discusses how he overcame past trauma and created positive change

3.     “Mindset” by Carol Dweck

Carol Dweck delves into the science behind a growth mindset – the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through effort. Those with a growth mindset don’t dwell on talent alone but see effort as the path to mastery. They also tend to achieve more in the long run by continually expanding their skills. This book is essential for replacing a limiting fixed mindset.

4.     “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David J. Schwartz

David Schwartz explored the connection between our thoughts and actions. Choosing to think big and visualize success increases our self-belief, persistence, and likeliness of achieving worthwhile dreams. He shares practical techniques for combating self-doubt and transforming negative thoughts that hold us back. Thinking big allows you to accomplish more in less time with less effort.

5.     “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins

David Goggins’ memoir chronicles his incredibly challenging life journey of overcoming extreme childhood poverty and obesity to become a US Navy SEAL and one of the world’s fittest athletes. His story demonstrates the immense power of mental toughness, perseverance, and pushing far past what one thinks they’re capable of achieving. It serves as a great inspiration for cultivating ultimate inner strength and resilience.

6.     “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero

Jen Sincero takes an irreverent yet highly effective approach to helping readers change their lives. She encourages embracing your inner “badass” to stop doubting yourself and achieve success on your own terms. With helpful exercises, stories, and kick-in-the-pants real talk, this book empowers you to design an extraordinary life by building self-worth and taking inspired action.

7.     “The Untethered Soul” by Michael Singer

“The Untethered Soul” guides readers towards enhanced self-awareness and living authentically through the power of presence. Michael Singer discusses how thoughts and emotions are not who you are and teaches how to step back and observe them without attachment or judgment. This facilitates cultivating intuition, peace of mind, and a free-flowing life guided by your highest self.

8.     “What I Know For Sure” by Oprah Winfrey

Oprah shares powerful life lessons learned from her journey of personal transformation and self-discovery. She discovered her purpose and pathway to fulfillment through overcoming adversity and cultivating emotional intelligence. Oprah’s meditations on topics like unconditional love, authenticity, and living with intention can inspire readers to design an extraordinary life of their own.

Positive mindset books

Cultivate a growth mindset, achieve important goals, and design an inspired life

Order Your Copy of “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied” by Ronald Steele

The transformative books on this list can help you cultivate a growth mindset, practice optimism, achieve important goals, and design an inspired life. Which will you start with? Investing time in feeding your mind with empowering ideas is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your future. Wishing you all the best on your self-development journey!

Don’t forget to order your copy of Ronald Steele’s powerful memoir “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied” to stay motivated as you level up your perspective.

Redemption Stories: Exploring the Profound Journey of Personal Transformation

Redemption Stories: Exploring the Profound Journey of Personal Transformation

We all face challenges in life that test our resolve. What matters most is how we respond – whether we let difficulties drag us down or use them as an opportunity to rise stronger. True redemption stories show us that no matter our past mistakes or current hardships, there is always hope for personal growth and change. Within each of us lies an inner strength just waiting to be tapped.

In this blog, we’ll explore 7 inspiring tales of people who overcame immense struggles through resilience, courage, and hard work. Their profound journeys of self-transformation prove that one is never defined by a single event or period in life. With determination and grit, any among us can rewrite our story.

The Story of Redemption: 7 Inspiring Accounts

1.     Ronald Steele, Author of “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied”

Ronald Steele‘s redemptive memoir “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied,” describes his journey from teenage delinquency on the streets of Washington, D.C., to an unjust prison sentence at age 19. Through education and perseverance, he turned his life around within 18 months, graduating from college and having a long career in public service. His story shows that past mistakes don’t have to determine one’s future.

Positive thinking books

Ronald Steele’s memoir narrates that past mistakes don’t determine one’s future

2.     Dicky Eklund, Subject of “The Fighter”

A former boxer turned drug addict, Eklund hit rock bottom before deciding to change. He got sober and became a trainer and inspiration to younger boxers in Lowell, MA. The 2010 film starring Mark Wahlberg was based on Eklund’s journey to overcome addiction that had cost him everything. His perseverance in the face of severe challenges inspires others to believe in second chances.

3.     Judge Reinhold

In the late 1970s, Reinhold was a struggling actor living out of his car before landing his breakthrough role in Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982). He went on to star in many comedies of the 80s, but his career stalled as he battled alcoholism and depression in the 90s. Reinhold got sober in 2001 and today enjoys respected character roles while advocating for mental health issues. His story inspires those struggling that the future isn’t set in stone.

4.     Tiger Woods

Once the world’s highest-paid athlete, Woods’ career imploded in 2009 after multiple infidelities were exposed. He lost major sponsorships as America’s golden boy fell from grace. Through therapy and regaining focus on his family, Woods staged an incredible comeback, winning the 2019 Masters after years in the wilderness. His persistence shows that redemption is always possible if you do the inner work.

5.     Jenna Bush Hager

After struggling with alcohol in her twenties, the daughter of former President George W. Bush took a break from drinking in 2008. She’s now sober, hosts the Today show, and uses her platform to advocate for others dealing with substance abuse issues. Her story shows that hitting rock bottom can be the start of a more purposeful path.

6.     Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Growing up deeply poor, Johnson used his wrestling career and movies like The Scorpion King (2002) to build a loyal fanbase. But in the late 90s, “The Rock” persona had run its course, and he was at a career crossroads. Johnson leaned into drama roles, eventually landing the breakthrough part of Luke Hobbs in Fast Five (2011). Now one of Hollywood’s biggest names, his climb to the top from humble beginnings shows that reinvention is always possible.

7.     Oprah Winfrey

Winfrey overcame a childhood of poverty and abuse to become one of the most influential women in media history. She found her voice as a talk show host, empowering viewers while facing racism and sexism on her rise to the top. Winfrey’s story of resilience against the odds inspires viewers worldwide to embrace a growth mindset.

The story of redemption

With determination and grit, any among us can rewrite our story

Order Your Copy of “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied” by Ronald Steele

These compelling true stories prove that redemption, resilience, and renewal are within everyone’s grasp through grit and self-belief. Consider ordering Ronald Steele’s memoir “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied” which narrates the author’s journey of rising from struggles into a rewarding life and career. May these redemptive accounts empower you to cultivate optimism whenever facing challenges of your own.

Breaking Free: How to Stop Feeling Bad About Yourself

Breaking Free: How to Stop Feeling Bad About Yourself

We’ve all been there – that place where we dwell on our flaws, mistakes, and shortcomings and feel bad about ourselves. While it’s natural to feel down at times, living in a constant state of negative self-criticism can be emotionally draining and prevent us from fully experiencing life. So, how can we break free from those feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy? In this post, I’ll share some tips and strategies for cultivating a more positive self-image.

9 Tips on How to Stop Feeling Bad About Yourself

Having negative emotions about yourself or feeling as if the world’s against you and conspiring your downfall are elements of the victim mindset. True winners adopt a growth mindset and focus on what’s in their control. Let’s explore these powerful tips on how to stop feeling bad about yourself and regain control of your destiny.

1.     Challenge Your Negative Thoughts

One of the best ways to stop feeling bad about yourself is to challenge your negative thoughts and beliefs about who you are. Oftentimes, we’re overly critical of ourselves in ways we’d never be critical of others. Make a conscious effort to catch yourself having these thoughts and question their validity. Are they truly fair and accurate reflections of who you are? Chances are, upon reflection, many won’t hold up. Replace them with kinder, more compassionate self-talk.

2.     Focus on Your Strengths and Accomplishments

When we’re stuck in self-criticism, it’s easy to only see our flaws and forget about our strengths and achievements. Make a list of your positive qualities, talents, and things you’re proud of. Look at situations where you overcame obstacles, learned from mistakes, or helped others. Recognizing our strengths gives us a balanced perspective of who we are beyond just perceived shortcomings. Refer back to the list when you start feeling down on yourself.

3.     Take Action Towards Goals

When we’re down on ourselves, it’s easy to get stuck wishing things were different rather than actively working towards positive change. Identify steps you can take, no matter how small, to make progress in areas that are important to you, like your health, relationships, career or personal growth. Accomplishing small wins and seeing progress over time can tremendously boost your self-confidence and sense of self-worth.

Ronald Steele‘s memoir, “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied,” gives a candid glimpse into the social and emotional experiences that shaped his journey from a turbulent childhood on the streets of Northeast D.C. to finally finding acceptance and love through community, education, and empowering his voice as an author and activist. Despite being falsely accused of a crime and being sentenced for it, he didn’t let his ex-con status become an obstacle in his path to success. Instead, he set personal goals and took action toward achieving them. He persevered and turned his life around, retiring at the top of the salary pyramid. Actively working to transform his life positively helped Steele tremendously improve his self-image and raise his self-confidence. His book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn about how to  replace those negative feelings about yourself with positive feelings about yourself.

How to stop feeling bad about yourself

Steele’s memoir narrates his struggles with self-esteem

4.     Practice Self-Compassion

We often show more compassion to others than we do ourselves. But we all make mistakes and fall short sometimes. Instead of berating yourself, speak to yourself with the same kindness, care, and understanding you would a friend. Recognize that perceived flaws are part of being human and don’t define your overall worth. Talk to yourself with empathy, patience and encouragement rather than harsh criticism.

5.     Surround Yourself With Supportive People

The company we keep greatly influences our self-esteem. Spend more time with people who appreciate you for who you are, who genuinely listen, and who build you up rather than bring you down. Limit interactions with anyone who makes you feel bad about yourself through put-downs, criticism or comparisons. You deserve to feel accepted and cared for by the people in your life.

6.     Focus on the Present Moment

Ruminating on past mistakes or worries about the future are some of the biggest contributors to negative self-talk. Make a conscious effort to stay present and notice your surroundings. Focus on how your body feels, the sights around you, the noises you hear and the conversation you’re having. This helps drown out the mental chatter and judgments about yourself. Simply observing what is happening now with kindness and curiosity can help ease self-criticism.

7.     Practice Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations retrain the brain over time to think and speak to yourself with more compassion. When you catch yourself having negative thoughts, replace them with simple affirming statements about who you are and how you deserve to feel. Some examples include: “I am worthy. I am enough. I am strong. I am valuable just as I am.” Say them out loud when you can. Writing them down also helps internalize them on a deeper level.

8.     Value the Journey of Growth

Rather than beating yourself up over perceived flaws or past regrets, celebrate how far you’ve come and how you continue growing into a better version of yourself. Personal development is a lifelong process, and we’re all works in progress. Appreciate each experience, mistake and relationship as valuable lessons that have shaped you into who you are today. Focus on progress over perfection. A growth mindset over criticism allows space for continual betterment.

9.     Remember Your Human Experience

We all have moments of self-doubt. But try to remember that you’re a whole human being – imperfect and complex, just like everyone else. Cut yourself some slack, accept yourself as a work in progress and focus less on perceived flaws. Learn to see your own humanity and inherent worth beyond just accomplishments or what you think others may think of you. Choosing self-acceptance over constant criticism allows you to live freely.

How to stop feeling bad about yourself

Accept yourself as a work-in-progress

Ronald Steele’s Memoir “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied” Is a Must-Read

We hope these tips on how to stop feeling bad about yourself provide a starting point for cultivating a kinder inner dialogue and stopping negative self-talk in its tracks. Remember that positive change often happens gradually. Be patient and compassionate with yourself throughout the process. You have so much wonderful potential to offer the world, just as you are. I invite you to claim it!

Ready to dig deeper into overcoming self-doubt and fully embracing who you are? In his memoir, “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied,” Ronald Steele shares his journey regarding overcoming the negative self-image that we often struggle with due to low self-esteem and life’s challenges. Learn how he begins his path of learning to accept himself unconditionally. Order your copy today to be inspired on your own journey towards self-love!

Mindful Reading: Positive Thinking Books to Brighten Your Outlook

Mindful Reading: Positive Thinking Books to Brighten Your Outlook

In a world often filled with chaos and uncertainty, finding moments of peace and positivity can feel like a challenge. However, one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal is the written word. Books have the ability to transport us to different worlds, inspire us with new ideas, and uplift our spirits with messages of hope and optimism. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of mindful reading and recommend some positive thinking books that can help brighten your outlook on life.

10 Positive Thinking Books to Brighten Your Outlook

Whether you need an afternoon escape or are looking to establish a daily mindfulness practice, incorporating positive literature is a gentle and inspiring way to support your mental well-being. The right book can stay with you well even after the last page, offering food for thought and emotional brightness during tough times.

Let’s dive into some impactful options for cultivating a sunnier outlook:

1.     “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied” by Ronald D. Steele (2023)

For an inspirational memoir, Ronald Steele‘s release “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied” traces his journey from troubled youth to educated professional and community leader. Against the odds, he overcame trauma, incarceration, and racism through determination, education, and cultivating resilience. His story uplifts with reminders that we all have the power to transform our lives through effort and will.

Positive thinking books

Ronald Steele’s memoir uplifts with reminders that we all have the power to transform our lives

2.     “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale (1952)

Peale is considered one of the early pioneers of positive thinking. His warm, faith-based approach outlines specific techniques for replacing negative thoughts with affirmative ones. Mastering the skill of switching inner dialogues helps manage emotions and face challenges optimistically.

3.     “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz (1957)

A timeless classic, this book encourages goal-setting and big dreams. Through simple lessons and visualizations, Schwartz teaches how positive self-talk can shift your beliefs and drive success. Releasing limiting thoughts opens the door to opportunity and achievement.

4.     “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero (2013)

For a fun and refreshingly frank take, this #1 bestseller encourages doubting the doubt. Sincero urges readers to claim their personal power and pursue their goals unapologetically. With humor and brutal honesty, she inspires taking control of your life story and mindset.

5.     “Woman, Thou Art Loosed!” by T.D. Jakes (2001)

Bishop Jakes’ international bestseller is a blessing for healing soul wounds. Through biblical stories and tough love, he shows how forgiving the past and letting go of guilt frees you to receive God’s unconditional love. His words inspire rising above limitations to fulfill your highest potential.

6.     “The Gift of Imperfection” by Brené Brown (2010)

Brown’s breakthrough research examines the role of shame and vulnerability. Through personal stories, she teaches how embracing imperfections and living wholeheartedly increases courage and self-worth. Allowing ourselves to feel and process difficult emotions in a compassionate way leads to deeper and more meaningful connections.

7.     “Unfuk Yourself” by Gary John Bishop (2017)

This no-nonsense manifesto shares techniques to break free of anxieties, self-sabotage, and negativity. Bishop promotes radical self-honesty and accountability to gain clarity and restart your perspective. Expect blunt encouragement to purge excuses, embrace discomfort, and rewrite your story.

8.     “The Surrender Experiment” by Michael A. Singer (2015)

Singer shares his journey of overcoming adversity through spiritual awakening. He teaches how accepting life’s difficulties with grace, releasing attachments, and living in the present helps unlock joy and inner peace.

9.     “I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness” by Austin Channing Brown (2018)

Brown poignantly discusses navigating racism and sexism while staying true to oneself. With vulnerability, she encourages embracing one’s full identity and trusting inner wisdom despite external opposition. Her message empowers Black readers to heal from microaggressions and define dignity on their own terms.

10. “Dare to Lead” by Brené Brown (2018)

Building on her earlier work, Brown provides tangible ways to strengthen courageous leadership. She argues that vulnerability, authenticity, and embracing imperfection are keys to building trust and bringing out the best in others. Her research brings light to facing fear and forming meaningful connections.

Positive thinking books

Positive thinking books can lift your mood and perspective

Order Your Copy of “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied” by Ronald Steele

Making the decision to fill your head with positivity is the first step towards a sunnier outlook. Try sampling one of these mind-broadening selections and see how it enhances your day. With practice, consciously focusing on gratitude, empowerment, and growth will begin to feel as natural as breathing clean, mindful air. Nourish your perspective – your well-being will follow.

Interested in adding positivity to your reading? Order your copy of “To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied” by Ronald D. Steele today to be inspired by his true story of determination and self-transformation against challenging odds.